Survival of the fittest (and tallest) in the crumbie stand

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Post by Kinoulton »

I like the idea, Tigerstotty, but for one flaw. I always like to stand up at public floggings.
Kicks and scrums and ruck and roll.....Is all my brain and body need!
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Post by 4 »

You best stay at home and watch it on sky then kinoulton!
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Post by westwinds31 »

BelperJon....have you been watching Indiana Jones or something....absolute tosh I'm afriad me old mate !!! There is no way if ONE person fell from the top of the crumbie that someone at the front would fall into the terrace, unless it was King Kong himself who fell !!! Come on please ! :lol:
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Post by G.K »

This has gone on long enough so I just had to add by tuppence worth.

With my sensible hat on I would agree that of course standing in the seated areas should be avoided whenever possible. There is no doubt that it obstructs the views of those behind you and therefore that it is selfish and impolite. As for health and safety, well probably the Burgers are a greater risk to health than falling over.

However, without my sensible hat on, I know that it can be quite difficult to stay seated in an exciting match such as we had on Sunday. Personally I try to stay seated until after a try is scored but I may have been guilty of 'going orf' a little early at times at the last match (didn't seem to happen when we played Bath) and so, if at any time I temporarily obstructed anyones view , I do most sincerly and humbly apologise and beg forgiveness (of anyone in Next stand block D).
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Post by unohoo »

tigerstotty wrote:I know, let's make Tigers an exclusive club for season ticket holders only, we could have video surveillance around the ground and anyone seen standing can have their season ticket revoked, and be put on a blacklist so they can never return.
Thank you for your constructive comments. :roll:
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Post by unohoo »

4 wrote:
As has been said if it were a big problem the club would take action.
that is my general line of argument.

unohoo, I was going from this definition given by BruceMKirk:
To quote from the matchday programme (p.31):-

"Standing in Seated areas of Welford Road

Spectators are reminded that there is to be NO standing in the seated areas at Welford Road. In addition to obstructing the view of other spectators, it is also a ground safety issue and could put at risk Tigers' ground safety certificate".
For the record, i think the 'they looked at me when theys toiod up is a bit of a flimsya rgument......

But yes. It cannot be big safety issue - tigers do not do anything about it. If you want to have it sorted propperly - write to the health and safety office [don't remember its name] and explaint he situation - but if anyone does- expect for there to be no standing at all, and then after a few stand for the stand to close down! If they are notified, they have to come down by the book.

So for the conceivable future you shall, i am afraid [unless you try and get your seat moved] have to put up with people standing when they feel like it - and try to enjoy the atmoshpere.
Don't you people pay attention? I never said no standing at all, I said while play is in progress. The two guys who sit next to my wife and myself always wait for a break in play before trying to get in or out.

And if you check back, you'll notice that I also posted the excerpt from the program, very ealy on this thread.
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Post by unohoo »

tigerstotty wrote:What about this? During the re-development, get seat belts fitted to all seats, which must be compulsory. A warning could be sounded in the control centre if anyone were to unfasten said seatbelt during the match, then the SAS could swoop on the culprit, drag them out of their seat and we could have a public flogging at the end of the match
Thanks for taking this issue seriously. I pay £350 for my season ticket, I'd like to get the full benefit. I don't leave 5 minutes from the end like some, because I paid to see full games, so I'm going to watch them. People standing up in front of me take away what I have paid for.
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Post by 4 »

tigerstotty wrote:
What about this? During the re-development, get seat belts fitted to all seats, which must be compulsory. A warning could be sounded in the control centre if anyone were to unfasten said seatbelt during the match, then the SAS could swoop on the culprit, drag them out of their seat and we could have a public flogging at the end of the match

Thanks for taking this issue seriously. I pay £350 for my season ticket, I'd like to get the full benefit. I don't leave 5 minutes from the end like some, because I paid to see full games, so I'm going to watch them. People standing up in front of me take away what I have paid for.
unohoo, tiggerstotty was trying to show how absurd she feels the situation is - there is not more too it. it is no more absurd than people in you 'camp' claiming that people standing may cause a huge amount of injuries and death etc. Things on this forum need not be cionstructive - merely your own opinion.

as for the point you amde about what i said - my point still stands! [no pun intended!]
If you think its fine for people to stand when a try is scored - youa re still in violation fo the rules - and there is no great differencfe between standing when a try is scored or 10 seconds before hand.

you get the same atmpshpere - all you miss is the actual viewing of a try - and this can be seen on the big screen.

I apologise if this makes no sense - i am in arush to revise for an exam tomorrow worth 11% of my degree but felt a reply necessary
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Post by unohoo »

And as has been said before on this very thread...

1) The rule in the season ticket and on the notices around the ground clearly states "NO STANDING WHILE PLAY IS IN PROGRESS".

2) The big screen has only been at Welford road for 4 or 5 games this season, out of 17(?). Son no, it's not always shown on the big screen.

Thank you for paying attention.
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Post by 4 »

In Response to 2] i apologise. I am trying to argue this from a more objective stand point as I do not go to WR very often - and that was a false asumption.

In response to 1] I think we could get very pedantic of when play was still in progress or not after a try is scored. To keep the instructions of the programme as clear as possible, my interpretation would be that 'in play' would mean anytime between when the referee signals the begining of play, to when the referee signals the end of play of a match or a half. The clock does not stop when a try is scored does it? I believe that the kicker has 2 minutes to take his conversiona tempt. Thus we are still in play are we not? Stoppages for in juries though it would be fine to stand up in if we were going by the rules.

paying atention is absolutely my pleasure, I hope you will pay atention to my viewpoint. I feal it is slightly more objective, and due to this, sympathetic to both sides of the argument, although granted, it may appear as though I am slightly more inf avour of the 'oposition side' as i feel they are the majority most probably.

Democracy sometimes is not nice - people usually say we should vote with our feet - in this case it is our knees.
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Post by unohoo »

The clock does not stop, but play is not in progress between the time the ball is grounded, and the time the kicker places the ball on the tee. Usually around 20 seconds - time enough to stand cheer and sit, without obstructing anyones view. A good compromise, I'm sure you'll agree.

BTW, best of luck with your exam.
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Post by 4 »

I am sure the last 4 words there were tongue in cheek?

People are autonomous individuals. they will chose when to stand up and sit down, when to go tot he toilet. they will asess the situation around themselves before they do that, even if they decide to ignore your particular view point.
I'm afraid this is how they are.

Would you advocate each steward to have signs to stand up, cheer, and sit down?
Or would you prefer the announcer to do it?
Do you think we would be able to syncornise everyone's movements, probably make sure each person gets at least 10 claps in the 20 seconds?i apologise if this is too abstract a concept for you tot ake into account.

Finally - i do not agree that the play is not in progress between the grounding and teeing up of the ball!
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Post by unohoo »

The last 4 words of the first bit were. The last sentence was meant sincerely.

All I'm asking is some common sense and politeness. Seems that is too much to ask of most people.
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Post by 4 »

I'm sorry, -owe you an oplogy unohoo, i didn't actually see the last sentance - let alone read it. Thank you.

I do totally agree that common sense and politeness should prevail. As i mentioned earlier, my friend and I [not regulars at WR] were asked not to stand so much on sunday - we didnt, and after we had been asked and responded, we were thanked for doing so.

The main points i have been trying to make are that :
1] Standing is not a health risk and should not be argued as so
2] If it was Tigers would do something about it

My 3rd point, and main point therefore is, seeing as the penalty for standing is not a large one, people when they get excited will not feel constrained, and will jump up, usually before a try is scored.
This is what the majority do, and therefore, any atempts at changing it will be a real struggle. I feel sorry for all those who miss out on action due to people standing. But I also feel that if people feel excited, then to some extent they should be allowed to jump up. It actually links in a lot with my course - liberty and freedom - doing what you want is fine as long as it does not impact on others etc. etc etc. this however is impossible in many ways!

All of the above may not have been conveyed in past posts on this thread due to 1]my expression, 2] my carelessness 3] the speed i have written them, and i'm sorry if they have seemed over zealous, i jsut wanted to try and put these poitns forward as i felt they were valid.

I honestly would see the ideal as all the people within Welford Road at a match being able to watch 100% of a given match, but as a pragmatist, it must be obvious that this is virtually impossible. But that is jsut how life is I'm afraid - not perfect.
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Post by gazza3 »

in a game like sunday's against the irish when more than one try is scored it is easy to stay sitted, but when there is a game for example against wasps when we only just won 20-19, it is very difficult not to stand up as it is such a high pressure and intense match. i didn't stand up when an attack is happening so the people around me can see. when it is in a game like wasps i do stand up after the try is scored due to all the emotions felt, but it isn't for very long.

something does need to be done about this issue, but if standing whilst a try is scored is going to be stopped, then it will be very hard to police. it can only really be done by the people sitting round the person standing.
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